Join us over the coming decade to track the stats that illuminate trends in civic life in Portland.

Stumptown Stats is democratizing data to illuminate civic trends in Portland, Oregon. In 2022, Portland voters adopted bold reforms of Portland’s city government and elections. At the same time, our region was emerging from a global pandemic, reckoning with legacies of racial violence, and riding a national economic roller coaster that has shifted our sense of belonging, community, and common destiny.

So … how are we doing in 2024? How will voters respond to the new election system? What do Portlanders believe about our neighborhoods, government, and future?

We’re starting with historic data about Portland elections. We’ll add data sets and new analysis to track how civic life in Portland changes over the coming decade. This is a long-term project. After all, one year of data does not make a trend.

We welcome your insights, questions, and help. This is a volunteer-led project and we’re glad to have you here!

Contact our research team.

voter participation + elections

Who votes in Portland, and who is elected to represent communities?

community + belonging

How connected do Portlanders feel to each other and to the city? How hopeful are Portlanders about our future?


How transparent, collaborative or outcomes-oriented is the City government? How accessible and responsive are elected leaders and other City entities?

accessible and responsive government

public services

Are public services delivered at a Rose City standard, and equitably provided in every community?

important vs. quality
of public services

equitable access
to public services

budget priorities